Friday, October 3, 2008

Vampires, Anyone?

I am just about to finish reading
the Twilight series...for the 2nd time.
I love it!
I know. I need help.
Anyone else out there need help?
Maybe we could start a support group...


a wynn wynn situation said...

I'm in! I need some serious help-
Have you read the one online??
She posted at link on her fan site:
to the unpublished 5th book of Twilight written in Edwards perspective. I am hoping she still publishes Midnight Sun because I love seeing they way Edward sees everything.
And the movie comes out NEXT MONTH!! Although I think it won't be as amazing as the books...

Susan said...

I LOVED the Twilight series!! I don't think you could ever read them too many times. I really hope that the movie doesn't disappoint!