Thursday, November 13, 2008

Too Much Time on my Hands!!

Apparently my house isn't dirty enough
to get me out of the computer chair...
OK - that's not true. My house is dirty enough,
I just don't wanna clean!

Anyway, I had some fun on today
and here are the fruits of my not so necessary labors!

don't you just love that face?!


a wynn wynn situation said...

Cute pictures and cute kids! Dontcha just love picnik? I could spend hours a day there...

barista brat said...

your kids are too cute!

Amy said...

Your kids are absolutely beautiful, but then again, look at who their parents are!! My blog address is

Susan said...

I have never been to that website before -- I might just have to go take a look! Cute pictures!

Nancy said...

You have some stinkin cute kids. Thanks for sharing the pictures!